Home of the
Sierra Nevada Figure Skating Club
Figure Skating
Freestyles are for figure skating practice, not for the general public to skate. Public Skating is for the general public.
Freestyle sessions are designed for figure skaters to practice their routines and advanced skills. If you are unsure if a freestyle session is for you, consult with our Skating Director, joanie@renoice.com or your coach. All skaters must sign in and make payment prior to entering the ice. Prior to the first visit to any freestyle session, a parent or coach must review the freestyle rules with the skater.
Freestyle Sessions
Please check in at the front desk when you arrive.
Check in for all freestyle sessions you are skating.
Check in for all on ice classes.
Check in for all off ice classes.
Check in if you are a Figure Skating Academy skater.
Check in if you have a scholarship.
Check in if you have pre-paid online.
If you want to coach during freestyles, you must contact joanie@renoice.com for guests coaching requirements and fees.
$12.00/freestyle session
$15.00/morning pass
Morning Sessions
Tuesday, Thursday and Friday: 6:00AM/6:45 AM/7:30 AM
AM Skaters may purchase a $15 morning pass. This pass is good for one morning and includes all three freestyles. This equals to $5.00 a freestyle.
This pass currently may only be purchased the day of. This pass is only available Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday mornings (Saturdays and Sunday’s this pass is not available).
One morning pass = one skater! You may purchase multiple passes for more than one skater.
TMCC and UNR College discount = $8.00 a session. Students must show ID (Nevada institutions only).
Evening Sessions
Monday-Friday: 2:00 PM/2:45 PM/3:30 PM
Saturday: 6:15 AM/7:15 AM
Sunday: 6:00 AM/6:45 AM
Please note that Reno Ice will be utilizing the RinkMusic system for skaters to play music. With this new technology, music is stored digitally on the RinkMusic system. The music is downloaded directly from an iPod or other playback device to the RinkMusic system. When a RinkMusic key tag is presented to the rink side console, the music program will immediately be loaded for playback over the rink PA system. If another music program is currently playing, the new music program will be placed in the music queue. The skater’s name will be announced alerting them when their music is about to play. This is all done automatically starting with the swipe of a RinkMusic key tag. Click HERE to subscribe or find out more about this system.
How to Sign Up ONLINE/Review Freestyle Schedule- Skaters can reserve their spots online and all sales final and not transferable. Walk-in’s welcome.
DON’T HAVE AN ACCOUNT: click HERE to create an account
Create the parent account and add your child(ren). Please complete all required* fields before submitting form.
If you want to add a spouse, you will need to create a new account for that spouse, then email info@renoice.com. We will need the names of the accounts to merge.
Once you have created the account, then please follow instructions below.
ALREADY HAVE AN ACCOUNT: Easiest way to register/reserve your spot for Freestyles - click HERE
Private Lessons
Reno Ice provides private figure skating lessons to skaters of all ages and skating abilities. Private Lessons are a great way to learn, or as a supplement to group instruction. Taking private lessons from one of our skilled figure skating professionals allows you to improve your own skills faster and at your own rate of learning while preparing you to pass a new test level and/or participate in competitions.
Arranging Private Lessons
If you would like additional information regarding private lessons, please contact the Director of Figure Skating, Joanie Malarchuk at joanie@renoice.com. You may also come by and observe our professional coaching staff. They are available to meet with you directly to schedule a day and time for your lesson.
Lesson fees do not include the price of admission and/or skate rental. These fees are payable directly to the rink.
Our coaches operate as Independent Contractors who use our facility to teach their private lessons; therefore, they set their own schedule based on their availability and payment for the lesson is made directly to the coach.
If you want to coach during freestyles, you must contact joanie@renoice.com for guests coaching requirements and fees.
The cost for private lessons varies depending on the instructor and their skill level.
Test Structure
Meet our coaches HERE